
Virtual Galleries
The M.I.F.A. philosophy is based on an abiding conviction that all human beings have the capacity to be creative and thus can be considered an “artist” whether in music or life.
In light of this Truth, the Institute strives to foster an assorted array of artistic forums, that are memorable, unique, and life-affirming. These forums are intended to encourage imagination, inquiry and freedom of thought.
The three virtual forums currently being built are:
1. Masonic and Esoteric Art
2. Our Poetry Blog
3.Art and Photography Gallery
4. Music (audio and video)
Guidelines for Submissions:
Themes: It is desired that Art, Photography and Poetry submissions reflect themes of nature, symbology, beauty, masonry, philosophy or esoteric content. An ideal submission will invoke an inspired response in the observer. All submissions must be original work.
Art, Photography and Poetry submitted is to include Title, Artist, Dimension and Media (if art).
There is no limit as to the number of Art, Photography and Poetry submissions.
All submissions will be approved by Jury and accepted based on how well the subject matter corresponds to the themes stated above.
Contact us if you would like to contribute.