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Be Creative

The Nine Muses in Greek Mythology

In Greek mythology, we read that Zeus and his wife Mnemosyne, the goddess of memory, had nine daughters who became transmitters of inspirations for all creative people. Each one had a name and a field of service:


1. Calliope inspired epic poetry.

2. Erato inspired love poetry.

3. Euterpe inspired lyric poetry.

4. Melpomene inspired tragedy.

5. Thalia inspired comedy.

6. Clio inspired history.

7. Urania inspired astronomy.

8. Polyhymnia inspired sacred songs.

9. Terpsichore inspired dance.


These nine Muses were nine goddesses of the arts and sciences. They are said to project into our mind the seeds of great dramas, operas, ballets, dances, paintings, sculptures, stories, legends, and so on.


Muses are said to be higher beings that communicate with us when we are in a lofty state of consciousness, in a heroic mood, and when we are daring and courageous. They contact us through our moments of prayer, meditation, aspiration, and intense labor. They contact us when our consciousness enters into an intense labor of creativity. Great artists feel their presence. Their presence charges them, opens their consciousness, invigorates them, and electrifies all their creative centers. Their presence encourages the artists, and they feel that they are not alone in their creative labor.





Masonic Institute of Fine Arts
Larkspur, CO 80118
United States of America


A Universal Co-Masonry Outreach Program





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